Our Work


Iași Pride is a festival dedicated to the LGBTQ community in Iași and represents a step forward for the local queer community. We organize this festival primarily to raise awareness about the LGBTQ community, while advocating for visibility and inclusion locally. The organizers give the word "pride" the double meaning of "dignity" because it is a festival that expresses the dignity of the LGBTQ community.


The events we organize are part of our mission to create a local queer culture. Since 2017, we have tried to create safe spaces for the development, inclusion and acceptance of the LGBTQ community of Iași. From queer parties, film screenings, exhibitions, workshops, to awareness campaigns and solidarity with other causes, we manage to bring together people both from the queer community in Iași and allies in the community. We always enjoy meeting new people!

LGBTQ support group

The support group for LGBTQ people in Iași is called Courage and meets once a month. The group format is peer-to-peer, meaning that group participants support each other in a safe space where they feel accepted and understood.

Pentru a asigura o bună funcționare a grupului, acesta este limitat la 12 locuri și doar persoanele de la 18 ani în sus pot participa. Dacă cineva își anunță retragerea definitivă de la grup, atunci locul se va deschide pentru o nouă persoană.

Organizing for Change (2020-2022)

HIV rates among MSM and transgender people, grouped together by surveillance authorities, have constantly been on the rise. Data from the Matei Balș National Institute shows that MSM infection rates have more than doubled in the past decade (from 9.6% in 2009 to 24% in 2019). This serious situation has been caused by a lack of public will, vision and foresight in planning actions tackling HIV while addressing the needs of at-risk and marginalized communities. The root of the problem stems from a lack of political accountability, coupled with high rates of homophobia and the disregard for marginalized groups at the institutional level.

Consult the documents produced within the project:

  1. Ghid metodologic pentru înțelegerea nevoilor persoanelor care trăiesc cu HIV și îmbunătățirea serviciilor dedicate acestora
  2. Situația HIV/SIDA în România: Înțelegerea provocărilor întâmpinate de persoanele care trăiesc cu HIV în accesarea serviciilor de sănătate, a cadrului juridic și a programelor de prevenire (Cercetare sociologică și juridică)

“Organizing for Change” aimed to build a renewed commitment towards combating HIV/AIDS by investing in advocacy, community mobilization and preparedness, and support for the treatment and wellbeing of MSM, TG, sex workers and HIV+ people. This commitment will be actualized by the adoption of a key policy document – a national HIV framework.

“Organizing for Change” was a project financed by the Elton John AIDS Foundation..


The events we organize are part of our mission to create a local queer culture. Since 2017, we have tried to create safe spaces for the development, inclusion and acceptance of the LGBTQ community of Iași. From queer parties, film screenings, exhibitions, workshops, to awareness campaigns and solidarity with other causes, we manage to bring together people both from the queer community in Iași and allies in the community. We always enjoy meeting new people!